Wedding Showers, Invitations, and general busy-ness…

Well… that was a quick month and a half since the last post!  I kept telling myself that I needed to update the blog but never really found the time to do so.  Things are still very busy, but I figured I’d squeak in a quick update during my lunch break today 🙂

First up, wedding shower #1.  Aunt Sharon (Jeremy’s side of the family) put together this little shin dig. Three out of four bridesmaids made it as did several friends and family from Jeremy’s side.  We got lots of really great gifts: new dishes, nice cookie sheets, wine accessories, roaster, cutting boards, casserole dishes, and lots of fun serving platters/utensils for when we have guests over.

Mmmm… cake

One big thing about this shower for me?  The games were fun.  Those who know me best, know that I am not a big wedding/baby shower games fan but Aunt Sharon really nailed this one on the head and picked really great games.  My favorite was the “guess the kitchen spice” game (sooo much harder than you’d think but very fun).  One thing I think every bride worries about when it comes to showers – is what games will be played.  Somebody else is doing you a huge favor by throwing this big ‘ol party for you and you can’t (if you’re a nice, polite person) veto whatever games they have planned if you don’t like them.  I think I’m a pretty good sport and would play nearly every game… but you still kind of cross your fingers and hope like heck that they don’t make you do the one where people make you a wedding dress out of toilet paper.  I mean, seriously, who wants to have toilet paper all over them (stuffed into waistbands, wrapped around wrists, etc), laughed at, told “oh, you look soooo cute”, and then have those pictures surface on facebook?  Nobody.  At least not me.

75% of the bridesmaids: Laura, Niki, & Ellen

The next several weeks were filled with very busy work schedules.  In June, WMU’s Orientation started up.  Each session spans over two days.  It means getting to work early and staying late.  I actually really like Orientation.  Its fun to work with the nervous and excited new students.  It just gets a little exhausting after a month… so I’m glad we’ve got all 12 sessions done.

I also work at Bath & Body Works.  With the semi-annual sale in June, that also meant extra hours during the first week of the sale.  There were a couple of 13-hour work days in there between the two jobs.  Normally that’s no big deal… but when both jobs are crazy busy – it made my brain hurt.

Jeremy normally spends about 50 hours a week at his job and commutes 45 minutes each way.  He doesn’t seem to have a busy season like my job does… his job is just always crazy busy.  So he’s usually pretty worn out by the end of the work week.  Weekday evenings are pretty busy too.  We play in a frisbee league on Monday nights.  Trivia league on Tuesday nights.  And then Jeremy plays frisbee on Wednesday and helps teach youth ultimate on Thursday.

Weekends used to be our time to recoop but we’ve been gone, had celebrations to attend (Lucie’s baptism in May, my Aunt & Uncle’s 25th anniversary party in June, a “welcome to the neighborhood” party, two father’s day celebrations, shower #2) or working (WMU held their 1st friday/saturday orientation this year) nearly every weekend for the past month or so.

So squeezing in invitations got to be a little tough.  If I had to say one part of the wedding planning process that I’ve disliked the most its the Save the Dates and Invitations processes.  Managing the list and having all of the details set to put on the invites is just awful.  It was a huge relief to finally have that huge task off of our plates in mid-June.

June 23rd was the “Eastside shower”.  It was awesome.  A good group of family and friends. Beautiful location.  Delicious food.  Fun games. Lots of cake. Lots and lots of cake.  Like 3 cakes… all of which were freaking amazing.

See… told you it was a beautiful location!
The Bayview Yacht Club on the Detroit River in Detroit

The highlights of this shower for me?  The favors (Purple M&Ms with our faces on them and the wedding date – pic coming soon!), the apron game, and the room’s reaction when I told them Jeremy likes microwaved burritos.  Ha ha.  Let me elaborate.

Bonus points to those that can remember the fake names
I gave to the people on the apron! 🙂

One of the gifts we got was a tortilla warmer.  Any good Mexican (or halfie in my case) should have a tortilla warmer.  Right after I opened it, we started talking about mexican food and Jeremy started into this story about how he’d FINALLY gotten me into Taco Bob’s.  Here’s the deal, Taco Bob’s food isn’t bad.  But I grew up with a grandma that made homemade mexican everything.  We went to Mexican Town ALL THE TIME.  I was spoiled by the “good stuff” and I am a little bit of a snob when it comes to mexican food.

I told the room that I just couldn’t get over the fact that Taco Bob’s microwaved their burritos to melt the cheese and the whole room made a collective gasp of horror.  There was about 2 seconds of complete silence until the room just exploded with conversation about this food preparation misstep and all sorts of funny comments like “Well… he is a white boy”.  It was pretty hilarious.  Needless to say… you don’t microwave burritos in this family.  They go in the oven.  NO MICROWAVING.  That said… I do like Taco Bob’s funny tacos.  They involve no microwaving.

That wraps up pretty much the last half of May and all of June.  Stay tuned for the next post… we’ve got a poison ivy war to discuss and the bachelor/bachelorette parties!

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